A few years ago, I was searching for an alternative email service provider besides gmail because I am a fcking hipster. Yahoo! mail was immediately crossed out of the lists, apart from being a mainstream email provider, it also sucks the life of the user and according to Consuela, Yahoo! mail is for a “particular” niche. I settled with mail dot com not because of the security, privacy and other important factors but because of the vast selection of domains available like @cyberdude.com and @priest.com just to name a few.

But before this turns to r/hailcorporate, let’s setup a mail.com email account on Mozilla Thunderbird, not because I want to teach the whole world how to do it but rather because I often forget about the paramaters when configuring email clients. This will be done using screenshots because I already have the screenshots. Anyway, here it goes:

  1. Click that thing.
  2. Hover your pointing device to the button encircled on the image below and press the left click button.
  3. Input your correct email address and password. Click Continue.
  4. Click Manual Config.
  5. Enter the paramaters as shown on the image below. Click Done.

That’s it. Congratulations. You’re done. Hopefully, your friend that has a @hackermail domain would stop bothering you now.